
The XRB Board is the governing body of the XRB. It has three core responsibilities:

  • establishing and maintaining New Zealand’s financial reporting strategy
  • governance
  • appointment and monitoring of the NZ Accounting Standards Board (NZASB), the NZ Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (NZAuASB) and the Sustainability Reporting Board (SRB)

The XRB Board comprises nine members, appointed by the Governor General on the recommendation of the Minister of Commerce.

Read the Board’s Te Tiriti o Waitangi Commitment Statement here.

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Meet the XRB Board


Michele is an independent director and current Chair of the External Reporting Board (XRB), the Independent Crown Entity responsible for establishing New Zealand’s financial reporting strategy and building trust in its capital markets. The XRB is proud to have played its part in addressing climate change through the establishment of the Aotearoa Climate-related disclosure standards.

Michele is also a Board Member of Toitū Tahua - The Centre for Sustainable Finance. The Centre was established to implement the Sustainable Finance Forum’s 2030 roadmap for a sustainable financial system. Comprising representatives from banks, insurance companies, industry, Māori businesses and iwi, professional services, civil society, academia, and Government, the Sustainable Finance Forum is a unique partnership of public and private sector leaders committed to restoring New Zealand’s natural capital.

 Other current roles include:

  • Non-executive director and Chair of Audit & Risk Committee of Transpower New Zealand Limited
  • Non-executive director and Chair of Audit and Finance Committee of AIA New Zealand Limited
  • Non-executive director of IAG New Zealand Limited
  • Board member of the Australian Financial Reporting Council,
  • Deputy chair of the University of Auckland’s Business School Advisory Board

Michele served as the Chair of PwC in New Zealand from 2016 to 2020, was a partner for 15 years and held numerous leadership, executive and governance roles within PwC in New Zealand and Asia.

Michele is committed to growing diverse and inclusive leadership for the benefit of Aotearoa New Zealand. She served as Co-Chair of Champions for Change from 2018 to 2020 and from 2011 to 2018 was a board member and Deputy Chair of Global Women.

Michele Embling headshot

LLB (Hons), LLM (Hons), FCA, CFInstD

Jane is a barrister, professional director, and independent hearings commissioner based in Queenstown, with extensive experience in commerce, law, and governance.

Jane Taylor Headshot

Andrew has over 40 years’ experience in senior commercial, accounting and legal practice, government and academic roles. He is currently chair of the Financial Reporting Council, chair of Cemeteries & Crematoria NSW, a Commissioner of NSW Independent Planning Commission and Chair of its Risk and Compliance Committee, a member of the Board of Tax, and a Principal Fellow/Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne Law School. Before being appointed to the FRC, Andrew was a member of the Audit and Risk Committee of the Australian Accounting Standards Board and the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board.

Previously, Andrew served as Second Commissioner of Taxation at the Australian Taxation Office. He was also a Director-Partner at Greenwoods & Freehills for over 20 years, including Managing Director of the firm between 2006 and 2011 and has held senior roles in financial services companies.

Andrew has a Bachelor of Business from the University of Technology, Sydney, a Graduate Diploma of Tax Law from Charles Sturt University and a Master of Laws from the University of New South Wales. He is also a Member of CPA Australia, Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia, a Chartered Tax Adviser (Life), and a member of the International Fiscal Association.

Andrew Mills headshot

FCA, FCPA (Aust)

Fergus Welsh is a Chartered Accountant with specialist knowledge of public benefit entity reporting issues. He has more than 35 years' public sector financial management experience with specialist knowledge of public benefit entity reporting issues. Fergus has held senior finance roles across several government agencies and is currently the Chief Financial Officer at the Ministry of Health.

Prior to that he held roles as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Accountant at the New Zealand Treasury, and has also been the New Zealand Government Representative on the Governing Board of the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ).

Fergus Welsh headshot


Jacqueline has 25 years’ experience in financial audit and advisory services. She was a partner at Deloitte for 11 years in audit and assurance and also led the Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability services function for Deloitte New Zealand for nine years.

Jacqueline has a broad range of experience across the financial services, public, private and not-for-profit sectors.  She is currently a Director of NZX listed Stride Property Group, Pioneer Energy Limited, Queenstown Airport Corporation and NZ Green Investment Finance Limited, as well as Chair of Snow Sports NZ and a member of the Audit Oversight Committee of the Financial Markets Authority and the Risk and Assurance Committee for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

Jacqueline Cheyne headshot


John is Financial Services Audit Partner at KPMG in Auckland. He is the editor of KPMG's Financial Institutions Performance Survey. 

John is a licensed auditor and his audit experience covers a wide range of commercial sector clients including Banking, Insurance, Funds Management, and the Automotive Industry.  He has particular expertise in financial services auditing and related Reserve Bank and Trustee reporting requirements. 

John is a member of the IOD and a trustee of Breast Cancer Cure. 

John Kensington headshot


Michael is a Professor Emeritus of Accounting at Massey University. His research interests are in the area of corporate financial reporting, financial analysis and governance. He served on the Financial Reporting Standards Board of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of New Zealand , the International Joint Working Group of Standard Setters, Financial Instruments, IFRIC and the International Financial Reporting Standards Advisory Council. He is currently a member of the Property Institute of New Zealand's Standards Board.

Michael Bradbury headshot

Ngāti Maniapoto, Waikato

Sheree joins the XRB with over twenty years’ experience spanning accounting, audit and corporate governance. Sheree was previously the Aapiha Tumu Arumoni (Chief Financial Officer) of Waikato-Tainui and has held senior corporate finance and governance roles within Fonterra, Tainui Group Holdings and Deloitte. Sheree is a Chartered Accountant of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and a Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA) of Australia.

Sheree is passionate about reporting, tax and governance and brings with her a significant understanding of Te Ao Māori and strong connections with Māori business, Marae and Iwi. She holds a number of governance and advisory roles including with; Te Nehenehenui, Breast Cancer Cure Trust and the Mangarapa Trust. She is also a member for the Inland Revenue’s Tax and Social Policy Māori Reference Group.

Sheree Ryan headshot

Board members are part time and are remunerated in accordance with rates determined by the Remuneration Authority.

Strategic focus

All functions and responsibilities of the XRB organisation rest with the XRB Board. However, the XRB Board has delegated the standard-setting function to the NZASB, NZAuASB and SRB. This arrangement allows the XRB Board to focus on the standards framework at the strategic level, while the standard-setting Boards focus on the standards' technical detail.


Key aspects of the XRB Board’s governance role and responsibilities include:

  • establishing the XRB’s strategic direction and publishing it 
  • establishing the XRB’s annual performance objectives 
  • monitoring the XRB’s performance against its performance objectives for the year 
  • reporting on the XRB’s performance to the Minister and the public 
  • approving operating policies, procedures, authorities and delegations for the XRB.


The Advisory Panel (XRAP) provides a forum where the XRB and its sub-boards can consult with individuals and representatives of organisations affected by their work. The XRAP is a key part of the XRB's strategy to enhance meaningful engagement with the sector.