Development of Climate Related Disclosures

Throughout the development of the disclosure standards, we committed to taking a collaborative, open and transparent approach. We received 189 formal submissions plus informal feedback through direct engagement. This input has provided us with valuable insights into the needs and concerns of climate related reporting entities (CREs). The deep dive sessions we ran has also informed the development of the standards, FAQs and staff guidance. 

This page provides information on each of the three consultations we have undertaken.


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Closed for Consultation

Our third and final consultation closed in September 2022.

The consultation document, exposure drafts and supporting documents can be found here.

We would like to thank all stakeholders for the positive level of interest, engagement and involvement in our mahi to develop the disclosure standards.

Our second consultation on Strategy and Metrics and Targets closed closed in July 2022.

Read the consultation document, submissions and other information here.

Our first consultation focused on Governance and Risk Management.

Read the consultation document and related information here

Get in touch 

Contact the project team at or call +64 4 550 2030 to speak with a member of the team.

You can also follow us on LinkedIn to stay up to date with our latest news and information.