Panel discussion on the proposed auditing standard for Less Complex Entities



This consultation examines the possibility of adopting the ISA for LCE auditing standard, tailored to fit New Zealand conditions.

We are holding a panel discussion related to our consultation on the auditing standard for Less Complex Entities.  


Panellists will delve into key topics of this consultation, including: 

  • the potential benefits and risks/costs of adoption 

  • how useful this standard will be to auditors in New Zealand 

  • whether the XRB should adopt this standard 



  • Cameron Town, Audit Partner/Director at Silks Audit Chartered Accountants Ltd 

  • Craig Fisher, Chair XRAP, Consultant at Kea New Zealand Ltd 

  • Nicola Hankinson, National Technical Director at Baker Tilly Staples Rodway 

  • Roy Glass, Audit Improvement Director – Audit Quality Group at the Office of the Auditor General 


Recommended for: Assurance Practitioners, CFOs, Financial Controllers, Accountants and others involved in preparing audited financial statements, and those who use audited financial statements. 


More information on the consultation is here 


Register for the event here 

Event Date 17 February

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Date And Time

Via Zoom