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Issue | Topics |
Kia ora from Wendy Venter, Navigate the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) assurance report, IPSASB climate exposure draft, New international standard for Audits of Financial Statements of Less Complex Entities (ISA for LCE) - consultation panel event, Assurance over sustainability information. |
Issue | Topics |
Farewell from April Mackenzie, Release of He Tauira, About differential reporting for climate-related disclosures, Transition planning guidance issued, IPSASB climate exposure draft, Assurance over sustainability information |
Adoption of a standard for audits of Less Complex Entities, Updated 2024 amendments to Climate and Assurance standards, Proposed Improvements to the equity method of accounting |
Climate and Assurance Consultation update, Outreach to Incorporated societies, IASB Vice Chair visit to New Zealand |
Audits of less complex entities, 2024 Stakeholder Survey results, Climate-related matters in Financial Statements |
Getting to grips with GHG assurance, Understanding climate statements, Climate standards evaluation, Tier 2 For-profit Update |
Proposed revisions to the Code, XRB position on digital reporting, Renewable Electricity Contracts |
Enhancing acquisitions disclosures, Reviews of Service Performance Information, Sustainability Reporting Board Established |
Sustainability Reporting Board Established | |
New Director Accounting Standards, Boost for Public Interest Entity audits, New requirements to improve investor communication |
New Tier thresholds reduce reporting load, Auditors fraud watchdogs, Sustainability reporting across the ditch | |
Tom Seidenstein visit to New Zealand, Spotlight on Sustainability Assurance, Update on PBE threshold review |
Issue | Topics |
End of year message from the Chair | |
Perspectives on Connectivity and Coherence, Greenhouse Gas Assurance Guidance released, New Climate Standards Alert | |
International experts in New Zealand this November Mark Babington and Andreas Barckow, Latest climate guidance released | |
Trust and confidence - feeling or fact? Recognizing revenue, Guiding good disclosures, Audits and Less Complex Entities - Status quo or no? | |
IASB visit to New Zealand, Update guidance on sector level scenario-analysis, GHG assurance standard released, Audit of Service Performance Information | |
Simpler reporting for not for profits, Code of ethics gets tech savvy, International sustainability standards released | |
Lease accounting for charities, Going Concern, Climate Reporting - evaluating effectiveness | |
Climate Reporting Guidance, Explaining Audit Terms, Going Concern | |
Mixed views on GHG Assurance, XRB invited to be part of UK Taskforce, Project update - Ngā pou o te kawa ora, Disclosure dilemmas – getting the mix right | |
XRB wins prestigious award |
Spotlight on going concern, Audit of Service Performance Information - Consultation, Report on Enhancing Audit Quality, Sharing a New Zealand view on sustainability reporting |
Assurance of GHG emissions, Interim Stakeholder Survey, Financial information for capital raising, Climate Standards - updated guidance coming soon |
Issue | Topics |
Pioneering a new world for reporting. |
Research on Key Audit Matters released, Update: Not-for-Profit and Public Sector Reporting, Project update - Ngā pou o te kawa ora. |
Considering climate impacts in financial statements, survey on GHG assurance, Research on Intangible Assets - Grant up for grabs. |
Project Ngā pou o te kawa ora commences, Resource page for Incorporated societies, GHG Assurance update. |
XRB Stakeholder Engagement Research, Refreshed Service Performance Reporting guidance, GHG Assurance update, Climate reporting consultation launched. | |
Major climate milestone ahead, disclosure of fees paid to audit firms, auditor independence strengthened. | |
Defining Public Interest Entity in New Zealand, scenario analysis sector guidance, global influence - NZ view helps shape IASB work plan. | |
Launch of the Tiers 3 & 4 Not-for-Profit and Public Sector consultation, decision on non-assurance services, and Climate-related Disclosure consultation closed. | |
April |
Getting started on measuring GHG emissions, assurance of GHG emission disclosures, and our work on improving financial statement disclosures. |
March |
Launch of second Climate consultation, strengthening independence standards, and changes to PBE Lease Accounting requirements. |
February |
On the Horizon, Submission to the IAASB regarding a standalone LCE standard, XRB welcomes new Climate report. |
Issue | Topics |
December | Message from the Chair |
December | Positive feedback following climate consultation, Mixed views on Less Complex Entities auditing standard, Improving Not for Profit reporting requirements |
November | Climate consultation in full swing, New Quality Management Standards, Feedback sought on IFRS 9 application issues, Changes to statutory reporting and audit size thresholds |
October | First Milestone for Climate-related Disclosures, Influencing International Standard Setting, Perspectives on Auditors Performing Additional Services |
September | Emerging Questions for Climate Disclosures, Less Complex Audits for Less Complex Entities, Improving Tier 3 & 4 Public Benefit Entity Standards |
August | Governance & Risk First up for Climate Standards, Auditor Independence, Issues with Accounting for SaaS |
July |
10-year Anniversary Launch Edition |