Consultation Feedback

Individual Submissions

All public submissions that have gone through our internal review process (to date) can be viewed in the table below.

Note: the views set out in each submission are strictly those of the submitter. 

Number Name
ED001 Todd Foster (Hitcharide)
 ED002 Melanie Vautier
 ED003  Claudia Grave (Hitcharide)
 ED004  Connor Read (Rideshutl)
 ED005 Dolf Van Asbeck
 ED008 PMG
 ED009  Insurance Council of New Zealand
 ED010 CLIMsystems
 ED011 Kristin D'Agostino
 ED012 Office of the Auditor General
 ED013 Fletcher Building
 ED014 Vector Ltd 
 ED015 Transpower
 ED016 PFS Certification
 ED017 NZ Stock Exchange
 ED019 New Zealand Institute of Directors
 ED020 Meridian
 ED021 Auckland Council
 ED022 Prof. Samuel Becher and Ilan Noy
 ED023 CPA Australia
 ED025 Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand
 ED026 Gavin Weekes
 ED027 Wellington Airport 
 ED028 Denton Kensington Swan
 ED029 Napier Port
 ED030 AMP Wealth Mangement
 ED031 Lawyers for Climate Action
 ED032 NZ Society of Actuaries
 ED033 BNZ
 ED035 New Zealand Bankers' Association
 ED036 Responsible Investment Association Australasia
 ED037 Dominic Thorn
 ED038 EY
 ED039  Toitu 
 ED040 PwC
 ED041 Mercury
 ED042 Australasia Investor Relations Association
 ED043  Environmental Law Initiative 
 ED044 New Zealand Shareholders Association 
 ED045 Chorus 
 ED046 ACC 
 ED047 Queenstown Airport
 ED048 McGuinness Institute 
 ED049 Financial Services Council NZ 
 ED050 Boutique Investment Group Ltd 
 ED051 Steel and Tube 
 ED052 The Institute of Internal Auditors 
 ED053 Otago Business School Academics
 ED055 Asia Securities Industry & Financial Market Association (ASIFMA) 
ED056 Retirement Villages Association