Strategy and Metrics and Targets Consultation



 Our feedback document, which contains a summary of the submissions received, has now been published.



Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standard 1: Climate-related Disclosures (NZ CS 1)

This consultation is now closed. 

This consultation document focuses on the proposed Strategy and Metrics and Targets sections, Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standard 1: Climate-related Disclosures (NZ CS 1)

Download the document here.


The Consultation Document 'At a Glance'

We have also created a condensed version of the consultation document for those with limited time.

You can download this version here.


Comparison document

The comparison document provides a detailed comparison between three elements:

  • the XRB’s proposed Strategy and Metrics and Targets disclosures and defined terms
  • the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures recommendations and guidance
  • the Technical Readiness Working Group’s Climate Prototype and General Requirements Prototype

Video Recordings and Presentation Slides 

If you missed our launch presentation, or any of the deep dive sessions, you can view the video recordings below, as well as download the presentation slides. 

Unfortunately we were unable to record this session due to technical difficulties. However, we have included comprehensive notes in the presentation slides.