Sustainability Reporting

Sustainability reporting is the term we use to describe reporting which describes the economic, environmental, social, and cultural impacts of an entity's activities.

The Sustainability Reporting Board has delegated authority from the XRB Board to issue non-binding guidance that relates to non-financial reporting.

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He Tauira

The External Reporting Board (XRB) is proud to introduce the draft version of He Tauira. It is a voluntary conceptual reporting framework specifically designed to guide entities in Aotearoa New Zealand to consider how they articulate their long-term intergenerational impact, through a distinctive lens examining their operations and their broader relationships with the external world. Read more about the background.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all involved in the development and trial phases of He Tauira. Their invaluable feedback and the practical application of the framework have demonstrated its adaptability and usefulness.


He Tauira

He Tauira is a voluntary non-financial reporting framework. It is designed to help a reporting entity share the stories of the value it creates in a meaningful way for its stakeholders.

Mā te mahi

This getting started guide offers step-by-step instructions for implementing He Tauira 

Other resources

An overview of He Tauira: an intergenerational impact reporting framework 

This shows all the elements of He Tauira, with a brief explainer of each.

Get in touch with the team