
As a Crown Entity, the XRB is subject to the accountability requirements of the Public Finance Act 1989 and the Crown Entities Act 2004.

Our primary accountability documents are detailed in the tables below.

Latest Report

Latest Report

Please see our latest 2023/24 Annual Report here

XRB Accountability documents

The annual report is the XRB’s main ex-post accountability document.

We prepare it annually in accordance with the requirements of the Crown Entities Act 2004. Our annual report outlines our performance for the year compared to the SPE for that year.

The annual report includes a summary of activities for the year, consideration of the XRB’s strategic objectives and outcome goals for the period, a statement of service performance reporting on outputs delivered (including the performance measures), and financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand.

Title Year
XRB Annual Report 2023-24
XRB Annual Report 2022-23
XRB Annual Report 2021-22
XRB Annual Report 202021
XRB Annual Report 201920
XRB Annual Report 201819
XRB Annual Report 2017–18
XRB Annual Report 2016–17
XRB Annual Report 2015–16
XRB Annual Report 2014–15
XRB Annual Report 2013–14
XRB Annual Report 2012–13
XRB Annual Report 2011–12
ASRB Annual Report 2010–11


The Statement of Intent (SOI) outlines the XRB’s strategic intentions for the next five years.

We prepare it no less than every three years in accordance with the requirements of the Crown Entities Act 2004, which was amended in 2013 to require the SOI to have a more strategic content.

Since 2014 our SOI has included its outcome goals, strategic intentions, planned actions to give effect to those strategic intentions, and the basis on which we will report performance. It is intended to be enduring and apply for a minimum of three years.

Before 2014, the SOI was prepared annually and specified the XRB’s forecast performance for the forthcoming financial year, and the following two years. It included forecast outputs to be delivered (and the performance measures for these), and the forecast financial statements and the assumptions on which they are based. This annual performance information is now included in the Statement of Performance Expectations.

Our strategic plan outlines our strategic priorities.

Date Title Year
May 2021 XRB Strategic Plan 2021-26
Aug 2019 XRB Strategic Plan 201924
Aug 2018 XRB Strategic Plan 2018–23
Aug 2017 XRB Strategic Plan Summary 2017–22
Aug 2017 XRB Strategic Plan 2017–22
Aug 2016 XRB Strategic Plan 2016–21
Aug 2016 XRB Strategic Plan Summary 2016–21
Apr 2014 XRB Strategic Plan 2014–19


The Hon. Andrew Bayly is the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs and is responsible for the XRB.  

For information on the Government’s expectations of the XRB, you can refer to the previous Ministers' Letters of Expectations.


The Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE) outlines the XRB’s annual performance objectives.

We prepare it annually in accordance with the requirements of the Crown Entities Act 2004, which was amended in 2013 to require the preparation of an SPE each year from 2014.

Our SPE sets out its reportable output classes, a forecast statement of service performance, and forecast financial statements for the forthcoming year and the assumptions on which they are based. It also specifies how our performance for the year will be measured and reported.

Before 2014 we prepared an Output Agreement. This was an agreement between the XRB and the then Minister of Commerce that specified the outputs to be delivered in the financial year. The Agreement enabled the Minister to monitor and hold the Board accountable for its performance. The SPE has replaced the Output Agreement.

This information is provided in response to the State Services Commission's (SSC) introduction of a disclosure regime for Chief Executive Expenses—including gifts, hospitality and travel, and has been  uploaded to

Currently, disclosure is undertaken annually for the period 1 July–30 June.

The State Service Commission's policy on disclosure of Chief Executive Expenses and associated documents is available on the State Services Commission's website.

Date Title Download Excel
30 June 2024 CE Expenses
30 June 2023 CE Expenses
30 June 2022 CE Expenses  
30 June 2021 CE Expenses Excel file icon
30 June 2020

CE Expenses – April Mackenzie

Excel file icon 

30 June 2020

CE Expenses – Warren Allen

Excel file icon

30 June 2019 CE Expenses Excel file icon
30 June 2018 CE Expenses Excel file icon
30 June 2017 CE Expenses

Excel file icon

30 June 2016 CE Expenses

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30 June 2015 CE Expenses

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30 June 2014 CE Expenses

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30 June 2013 CE Expenses

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31 December 2012 CE Expenses

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30 June 2012 CE Expenses

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31 December 2011 CE Expenses

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The 2024 stakeholder survey (conducted by Verian Group, formerly Kantar Public) assesses the current state of, and any changes to, stakeholders’ perceptions of our:

  • Performance
  • products, and
  • interactions


The February 2023 stakeholder survey (conducted by Kantar Public) is a short interim survey which assessed the current state of, and any changes to, stakeholders’ perceptions of our:

  • Performance
  • products, and
  • interactions


Earlier this year we commissioned independent research company Kantar Public to undertake stakeholder engagement research on our behalf. The research measured perceptions of the XRB’s activities and performance, and how well we are connecting and working with our external stakeholders.

Kantar Public undertook two pieces of research:

  • A series of qualitative, one-on-one interviews with senior stakeholders; and
  • A quantitative survey of a wide group of XRB stakeholders.

The XRB last measured its perception among stakeholders in 2018 however, the 2022 research differs in the overall approach, with the inclusion of qualitative interviews with senior stakeholders to understand the strategic issues they are currently facing. The XRB Board will be using the insights gained at a strategy session later this month.

We value the feedback and the views provided and will use the report to help improve our performance and external relationships.


Our organisation is committed to meeting the milestones of Kia Toipoto - the Public Service Gender, Māori, Pacific, and Ethnic Pay Gaps Action Plan 2021-24.
Under Kia Toipoto agencies and entities need at least 20 employees in each comparative group to publish statistically robust pay gaps, while also protecting the privacy of employees.

We are a small organisation with insufficient [women, Māori, Pacific or ethnic] employees to publish [gender, Māori, Pacific, ethnic] pay gaps. We are, instead, using the data we have and employee engagement to develop our first
Kia Toipoto Action Plan.

Please see our latest Gender & Pay Gap Action Plan for 2023 here